Monday, May 11, 2015

Survey Results

1. How many bottles of perfume do you own?
50 % as many as 12 bottles – 5 different fragrances.
50 % few as 3 bottles – 2 fragrances

2. What income bracket do you identify with?
            (0-25,000)     (26,000-42,000)      (43,000-58,000)     (59,000-75,000)     (76,000+)
80% declined to answer this question and the ones that did answer were in the 43,000-58,000.


3. Which outdoor sport do you prefer?
(Beach and water sports)  (Hunting, camping and fishing)  (Pool and backyard activities)  (None)

Beach and water sports with write in on Canoeing, Waterskiing, and Hiking.


4.  Do you wear perfume because?

            A. it makes you feel sexy

            B. it covers up body odors

C. it helps attract the opposite sex

            D. you enjoy the fragrance

Every person surveyed circled all of the above.


5.  What perfume or cologne do you currently wear?
Angel; Issy Milgake?; Dark Kiss; Light Blue; Euphoria; Lovely; Eternity; A Cqua di Gioia; Cool Waters; and Warm Vanilla were just a few of the most popular.

6.  Why do you like that perfume?                        

 Some of the write in answers were as follows: Makes me feel rich; makes me feel sexy; Makes me happy; I want people to associate that smell with me; I get recognized for my perfume; I like the attention I get when I wear perfume.

7. How often do you apply fragrance?
a.) once in the morning- this was 50 % of my answers
b.) 2x daily- 25% responded with this answer
c.) morning & night- 25 % responded as this was their first choice.
d.) only night 

8. You prefer a scent reminiscent of:
a.) true love - this was the number one answer at 70 %
b.) summer - this was the last choice at 10%
c.) home - no one like this answer.
d.) faraway lands - this came in second at 20 %

 9. Which clothing store would we be most likely to see you in?                                      
Banana Republic; All Saints; Black Market, White House. ; Anne Taylor Loft; Aeropostale; The Limited; Everything but the Water; bebe; J Crew; Zulily; and Zappos.

10. If you were offered a free designer brand perfume, which would you choose?
Angel; Lovely; A Cqua di Gioia; Cool Waters; Light Blue; Euphoric; Eternity; anything by Michael Kors; anything by Calvin Klein and anything by Coco Chanel or just Chanel.

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